Thank You for checking out one of my products!
Please do, try not to get "side bun" confused with "side burn"
Heh. This is a unisex product.
That means it can be used on both female and male avatars.
but we all know that I made it for the boys ;D
Girls can buy this too, but Its unsaid that they're just supporting me lol.
love ya all XD

The two songs are both from animes.
Gessekai Is from Nightwalker, my first and still favorite Vampire anime. There needs to be more nightwalker fans. Please check it out. You'll likely love it more than darn Twilight everyone is raving about. XD. Nightwalker is about a guy who was pretty much forced to be a vampire. He is working as a detective and encounters a lot of evil demonic things, and a human girl falls in love with him and the vampire man who turned him stalks him and its just the most funny, sad, intensely sweet thing you'll ever watch, if you can put up with the sight of blood and Mr crazy kissing the protoganist and a few other awkward moments between them XD. Poor Shido.
Sayonara is from an anime named Saikano. Saikano is one of the most political, and heart wrenching love tales I've ever seen. I don't cry easy and I cry at the end of every episode... everytime i watch it. Ever want a girlfriend who can turn into the ultimate weapon? It may do you well to watch this anime, so you might watch what you wish for. For you and for her both. Sayonara is a lovely song. This is only the music box version.