Only some sounds from Five Nights at Freddy's. Triggers and meaning: 6am (Sound effect - When you beat the night) - 6am | Da-da-dum-dum-da-dum-diddly-doo (played randomly? Not sure) - Doo | Door Lights Buzzing (Sound effect - When lights are turned on) - DLB | Door Slamming (When door closes) - DSG | Freddy's Tune (Played when power is out and freddy comes, or when freddy is in the kitchen) - FT1, FT2, FT3 | Game Over Static - GOS | Kids Cheering (Plays when it turns 6am) - KCG | Monitor Pulled Up - MPU | Power Runs Out - PRO | Title Screen Music - TSM1.1 TSM1.2 TSM1.3