Gothic Dress-has leather belts with rings hanging off...

Belts also have studs on them, giving the the skirt a caged dark horror feel.

The top half of the outfit is laced up and has two straps.

Also has see through underneath top (fishnet)

Very dark and cute outfit.

please read the names careful on each of the product to the image... thank you.



 Also matches with other products made, e.g. from picture down below...

 +000+ +010+




HERES SOME OTHER PRODUCTS: - p l e a s e   l e a v e  a  r e   v i e w -

Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Headband Headband Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3 Bl4cK3y3



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+ G O T H I C + +V A M P I R E + +P U N K + +Z O M B I E +

BIG THANX TO VEN (nzvenicequeen)
for making me a developer


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