In Real Life I love to give flowers and share my delight in others through this classic and classy way to express so many emotions. My new collection of Floral Bouquets has a delightful array of gift giving choices. Each and every bouquet has a transparent background and none have obtrusive sentiments written all over them so that YOU can decide which one expresses your intended purpose. Just attach your selected bouquet to your message and send. This Stunning conemporary bouquet of rare blood red Peonies is interspersed with light green filler flowers and leaves. A round glass vase completes the look. See image below for sticker image. The word "sample" will not appear on your purchased product.


Want to browse through my other Bouquets? Just click my Logo!



Please feel free to look at my most recent GA products :)

Class & Attitude Brought to you by:
the "Voice Diva" -- Ms. Medea

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