† This is a female avatar (her twin brother is available in my catalog)†
†Are you tired of appearing in chats with a charmless bobble headed avatar? Try this just fed vampire on for size ^^† This avatar features a NO SMILE mood (meaning it never smiles unless you trigger a smile but reverts to being serious) , a sweet but mischievous faced custom head with built in fangs (no more needing to add ones on or looking for some! If you change heads, the fangs stay in), resized feet (bye bye Sasquatch), custom color illuminated eyes and one of a kind skin.†
WARNING : The clothes IS painted on the skin so if you wear clothing on top of it which reveals skin it will show the clothing underneath. (If you change skins, her dress stays on until you change clothes). So please keep this in mind BEFORE purchasing. A full 100% skin shall be appearing later in my gallery so please be patient. This avatar is fully customizable and you can switch anything on it from eyes, skin, hair etc.
(Bobbed hair, black nails and extra long lashes not included-must be purchased separately & outfit link is below)
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