#imvu-bc input, #imvu-bc select { border:1px solid white; } body, html { background-image: url(http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p69/SilentRunnerIAm/bg1.png) !important; } body, #product-details h1 { font-family:'Palatino Linotype';color: Brown; } a:link {color: ForestGreen !important;} a:visited {color: Green !important;} #imvu-bc, #imvu-bc select, #product-developer .bd, #bundle, #imvu-bc input, .jello-box .bd, #product-details, #product-developer-banner, #product-buttons-sub, #bundle .bd, .product, .product_pro, #ft, #ft_links{background: url(http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p69/SilentRunnerIAm/bg1.png) !important; } .jello-box, #product-description, #product-developer { border: 3px double Brown; } #bd .hd .bg, #product .hd, #keywords .hd, #also .hd, #reviews .hd, #product-developer div.hd, #bundle .hd, .jello-box .hd .bg{background: url(http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p69/SilentRunnerIAm/bg1.png);} .jello-box .hd .bg h3 {font-family: 'Palatino Linotype' !important;}#product-details{ background-image: url(http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p69/SilentRunnerIAm/headerimg.png) !important; }
Star Wars "Legacy" STICKER

Created by: KimberleyJo

Date: Nov. 11. 08

For original wallpaper request (1027x768) please contact me. Sticker and wallpaper are both watermarked with my signature.

Sticker Shown Actual Size.

Actual Sticker Will Not Have The Words Sample On It.
