Tired of being humiliated by annoying actions ? wear this avatar to prevent that. No pixels were hurt in the making of the Product GIF. ( Tags: DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonballz, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Nappa, Raditz, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Piccolo, Frieza, Ginyu, Perfect Cell, Majin Buu, Turles, Bardock, Tarble, ssj, saiyan, Broly, God, power, energy, strong, ki, fight, battle, punch, kick, troll, hit, noob, vip, tackle, stomp, slap, godmod, brb, afk, away, absent, shield, protection )This product was uploaded and submited in the shop on February/13/2015 DMCA.com Protection Status