This Manor is the perfect place to sit back, relax solo or with your love one, entertain (parties) friends/guest, or have meetings. Whatever your intentions are Vampire Manor is the place for you. The rooms are incredibly spacious with dark red, black colors on the walls/carpet, the colors of dark passion ;) Each room has plenty of detail, like the paintings, walls, and flooring. There's only 1 room that's furnished other than that, This is an unfurnished Manor (paintings are also included) but... it has 3 standing nodes per room, and 7 fun poses. So what are you waiting for? Move in and start decorating your new home today! Check out my pictures and the items I've used to furnish my home. Maybe it will give you a better idea ;)
*You know you don't have to buy any furniture to decorate this lovely Manor, if you're on a tight budget you can use the furniture imvu giving you when you 1st signed up. (like i did) duh! haha! :) but if you're not on a budget then decorate you're Manor to your liking ;)