This Love Accessories Bundle includes items specially requested and made for my dear friend to accessorize her bridesmaids party to celebrate her wedding renewal vows for their Valentine wedding. The symbol of love to be shared with friends and family alike.... A rose bloom wrist corsage with both traditional and blood red rose blooms and rose buds as well as a golden rosebud resting on a golden wristband with ruby jewel ribbons was added as a special accent in replace of traditional hand held floral bouquets... As well as a really chic floral "hat" hair accessory with sheer red silk flowering from the sparkling gold button hat with gold stems and ruby red flower buds...

All items are made of polished gold, ruby red gem and pearlesque jewels, and heart shaped pendants... All items were made to match and compliment each other... These items include: Love Shoes, Love Necklace and Love Jewelry Set which is an earrings and bracelet combo.

Please leave a review if you enjoy my products. See my catalog for other items that I have that may be of interest and contact me if you would like anything custom made for yourself! ~Huggles~