Gothic Heroine: Adventure Gown in Jade

The air in the ancient mausoleum is dank and chill. Drops of mist gather on the hem of your gown. You hesitate, and glance back at the lights of the great manor, where all have gathered; you can hear, faintly, the strains of a blithe air played on the pianoforte. You know there is someone there who is waiting for you.

Yet you turn away again, and face the cold stone and iron of the tomb. There is herein a mystery to be solved, and you are determined you will be the one to solve it.

This stylish, yet sturdy, evening gown is made of jade-colored brushed silk, with gold lame accents. The bodice, sleeves, and skirt are richly patterned; and the upper bodice features a square-cut mesh design.

Hair by potholder; eyes by Mayu22; skin by Mayu22; background by NevaCross; shoes by Koze (Not included.). Dress mesh by Cassiopeia.

This gown is part of the Gothic Heroine Project!