Esto es Winter Roller Coaster con MUSICA, un lugar agradable para pasarla con tu pareja o amigos, completamente animado... sube al RollerCoaster y da el paseo de tu vida.... es ENORME!!! Tiene un escenario para bailar y otro para cantar o hacer una presentacion muy especial... tienes zona con pinos nevados.. perfecto para una ambiente navideņo...
Este enorme parque de diversiones esta lleno poses.. es perfecto para tus reuniones entre amigos o tu pareja para celebrar Navidad..
Puedes incluir tus poses.. acciones.. bailes.. muebles en este cuarto...

Cancion incluida:
Roller Coaster of Love de Red Hot Chilli Peppers - palabra trigger:
(los trigger de musica funcionan en versiones 403 y anteriores, de tener una version mayor tocara solo 20 segundos, Pero los otros triggers funcionaran en cualquier version....)
La encontraras bajo Room en tu inventario.. ORALEEE

This is Winter Roller Coaster with MUSIC, full with snowed pine trees.. has many poses.. Fully animated.. you will have an amazing time in this rollercoaster.. ride with your friends or special someone for a day of full blown blast!!!
This enormous amusement park has a dancing stage.. an additional stage for singing or doing a presentacion.. Great for your gatherings to celebrate christmas or any special time to reunite with friends or that special someone to enjoy.... has many poses.. so you will fit all of your friends...
You can add you poses.. actions.. dance moves.. furnitures..
the sky is the limit!

Song included:
Roller Coaster of Love by Red Hot Chilli Peppers - trigger:
(trigger songs works on versions 403 or less, if yours is newers songs will only play for 20 sec, but other trigger actions will still work...)
You will find under Rooms in your inventory.. ORALEEE

If you do not already own this song, please support the artist by purchasing their music.
I do not own any rights on this music. Credits paid are for the time it took to convert, and upload this song. All songs are copyrighted by the artist, recording studio, label, etc.