Oh my! Racer 6 took a shortcut with her (or his, case dependant) All Terrain GlowCycle! I guess it wouldn't necessarily be 'terrain', but... enough with semantics!

Style and flexibility, well, as long as it's just one person and maybe a Pack On The Back getting there... Of course, as always, since we can never be held responsible (Alot of people are trying to, but seems it's hard to prosecute a company you can't find!), It is highly suggested that you wear a GlowHelmet... and maybe a GlowShield... and it'd probably be the best mind not to even get close to a GlowCycle, ever, but... well, what fun would that be?

GlowCycle V1
GlowCycle V2
GlowCycle V3
GlowCycle V4
GlowCycle V5
GlowCycle V6
GlowCycle V7
GlowCycle V8