A bare canvas or an old oil painting covered with a dusty sheet, a wooden panel or a metal grid covered with a stained tarpaulin ... what will you make?

UV Maps

Below are some free opacities to use when deriving this product for a different look to the sheet or as a basis for your own.

1 photo CoveredCanvasOpacity0_zps8grfqgbd.png
2 photo CoveredCanvasOpacity1_zpshppepm82.png
3 photo CoveredCanvasOpacity2_zps9ivihrjk.png
4 photo CoveredCanvasOpacity3_zpsracowvqj.png
5 photo CoveredCanvasOpacity4_zpscucxzkny.png

This is my shadow opacity which you may need to modify if you change the shape of the sheet.

6 photo CCShadowOpacity_zpsaewom1yv.jpg