This is an interesting product. You can add a secret room to any room you already have. Just place the bookshelf where you want, and each time you click on it, you’re transported in your secret place. It is full of ceiling, floor and wall nodes, so you can add your own furniture. WARNING : DON'T put your stuff directly in the cavern : YOU MUST LOAD YOUR STUFF AT THE SURFACE, THEN MOVE IT USING THE CTRL, SHIFT, ALT KEYS !!! Or each time you'll reload the room your stuff will be at the surface. No need to complain after, all the ''add-on'' stuff work like that here, you only need to know how to do with it :)now you know ;)

I made it dark, and cold. Stone, black rock, orned walls, steel. Iron and wood doors in the deep ends, and animated water with small fishes pasing by:

See some examples on my rooms :