By request of a close and anonymous business partner of AJEE WhatWeCallUsNow, Zukin, we've managed to mass produce our newest product in a matter of days, thanks to our labor force of enslaved Opaqueians. They're so cute, and they're hard working!

Suspended by whatever scientific explanation you think we should illusion our following with, Speaker Wings! They go thump, they go tweet, they go woof, and they connect to your portable music device by hammering the 1/2 inch, quadraphonic connection into the 1/8 inch stereo connector meant for your NORMAL, BORING headphones. Yipee!

We'll be marketing these as headphones, because apparently there's no overall MSRP on giant floating collections of speakers that hang inexplicably from your back by no apparent connection. Pity, too... competition breeds improvement, so you're stuck with these instead.

Sorry about the poly count and texture sizes, we'll just spring it as 'High Definiton'.