photo MayflowerMemoriesDcat.png

And now for something a bit out of the ordinary, this adorable pilgrim dress is not the "traditional" pilgrim dress, the dress features gorgeous black cotton fabric, the top has a lace trimmed jacket-like appearance, with a pretty white lace trimmed apron & snow white satin ribbons & bow on the back of the skirt! I wanted a pilgrim dress, but the few available in the catalog were just too plain in my opinion, so I tried to make mine a bit more interesting & unique, But please remember this is NOT your traditional pilgrim dress, it's very different from the other few that are available in the catalog! Please try it on I think you'll agree that's it's a bit more unique than the others, hehehe! Happy Thanksgiving! *This headdress/kerchief was made to go with my adorable "Mayflower Memories" pilgrim dress! *Please see my catalog for the matching kerchief, many more holiday products as well as many other wonderful nightmares! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Mayflower Memories Kerchief

Products by: LizziebordenPhotobucket