Few people know of the strange blade that drives men to lust for blood. Yet now you can become acquainted with Asura, the infamous blade herself, in the form of a simple knife. Red steel blade, luxurious purple leather handle, satin black hand guard, all with rose gold accents, nicknamed blood gold by the man that forged the knife to house Asura's spirit. If you like it, please leave a review. As per original Dragon Dagger by Dnutt20X6, it has 4 sound triggers: *summon1 --Dragonzord summon song. *summon2 --Same as above, only faster and with more umph. *command --Dragonzord command song, the 2nd song that was played. *needpower --Tommy yells out "I need Dragonzord power!!" and plays the fast version of the summon song. Photobucket Photobucket
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