Made another texture I nicknamed the Varsity, and it's red, black, and gold. I decided to make this to test out the texture on a radical style, and it worked! Great for those with school spirit or free spirit, and perfect to go out to raves, parties, or the Homecoming game. Photobucket Photobucket
#imvu-bc input, #imvu-bc select { border:1px solid white; } body, html { background-color: Black; } body, #product-details h1 { font-family:'Monotype Corsiva';color: Yellow; } #imvu-bc, #imvu-bc select, #product-developer .bd, #bundle, #imvu-bc input, .jello-box .bd, #product-details, #product-developer-banner, #product-buttons-sub, #bundle .bd, .product, .product_pro, #ft, #ft_links{background: DarkGrey !important; } #product-buttons #buy_now, #product-buttons-sub #buy_now_sub { background-color:Green;} #product-buttons #add_to_cart, #product-buttons-sub #add_to_cart_sub { background-color:Turquoise ;}
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