This is a pretty White horse that I made.. its a replica of my daughters horse Mira (short for Miracle by Moonlight) and her tack, using Anshe's western horse has 6 riding speeds. Triggers are a1 thru a6. (a1 = walk, a2 = gallop, a3=rear up, a4=stop, a5= walk in place, a6= gallop in place) t4 and t5 are great for pics! All my colored horses have different lettered command triggers to give the user more control if having more than 1 in a room. It has seats for 2 avatars and as an added bonus I've added 3 sounds!!!!! triggers are w1..w2..w3. THIS IS A FURNITURE ITEM THAT STAYS IN YOUR ROOMS. Thank you for looking and/or choosing my products! please review...WISHLIST IT! Photobucket