ISOLDE Accessories - Opal Flat Shoes
Medieval style low heel / flats in light opal lace with opal gemstone buttons
Matching items are shown below. Always try before you buy!

Isolde Opal Accessories

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Isolde Opal Outfit Items:
Opal Gown Dark Opal Gown Light Hooded Coak Opal Flats Dark Opal Flats Light Opal
Choker Opal Earrings Opal Headdress Opal
Matching Hairstyles
Gwen Black / Opal Gwen Dk Red / Opal Gwen Opal / Opal Gwen DK Opal / Opal Verna Opal two braids
Naar Updo BLK / Opal Naar Dk Red / Opal Naar Honey Blonde / Opal Naar Opal / Opal

LOVE OPAL? Check out these Opal items:
Opal Choker Opal Earrings Opal Bracelet R Opal Bracelet L
Opal Corset Opal Skirt 4strap Heels
Opal Satin Gown Opal  Fur Opal  Gloves Opal Vintage Pumps
Opal Pearls Drop Earrings Lush Nails Choker Stiletto
Brogan Pony Doro Curls Erihia Updo Fien Updo Balvina Shelley

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