You may be asking yourself, why no mask, read on and find out why. The word ninja became popular in the post-World War II culture. The nin of ninjutsu is the same as that in ninja, whereas jutsu means skill or art, so ninjutsu means "the skill of going unperceived" or "the art of stealth"; hence, ninja and shinobi-no-mono (as well as shinobi) may be translated as "one skilled in the art of stealth." Similarly, the pre-war word ninjutsu-zukai means "one who uses the art of remaining unperceived."Ninjutsu did not come into being as a specific well defined art in the first place, and many centuries passed before ninjutsu was established as an independent system of knowledge in its own right. Ninjutsu developed as a highly illegal counter culture to the ruling samurai elite, and for this reason alone, the origins of the art were shrouded by centuries of mystery, concealment, and deliberate confusion of history." There is no evidence historical ninja wore all-black suits, in modern times, camouflage based upon dark colors such as dark red and dark blue is known to give better concealment at night. Some cloaks may have been reversible: dark colored on the outside for concealment during the night, and white colored on the inside for concealment in the snow. Some ninja may have worn the same armour or clothing as samurai or Japanese peasants and farmers. Cassical ninja were masters of "blending in" with there culture, being part of of an underground elite. This is "NOT" a colsplay outfit, this outfit is made to represent what a historical ninja may have looked and dressed like hundreds of years ago and is for the serious IMVU practitioner of ninjutsu. While this outfit is authentic, its exact origins cannot be devulged, nor how, or what its made from, such are carefully guarded secrets going back hundreds of years.