~Beautifully carved Gothic broken glass frames, also available in Purple.
More colors coming soon!!

Please refer to the product icon, name, or description for the product you purchase :).

Room Frames

V1 Photobucket V2 Photobucket

V3 Photobucket V4 Photobucket

Regular sized Avi Frame
V1 Photobucket V2 Photobucket V3 Photobucket

Mini Avi Frame

V1 Photobucket V2 Photobucket V3 Photobucket

Buddy’s Avi Frames
V1 Photobucket
V2 Photobucket
V3 Photobucket

Product frames

V1 Photobucket
V2 Photobucket
V3 Photobucket


V1 Photobucket
V2 Photobucket

V3 Photobucket
V4 Photobucket

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