Welcome to the *SS* line of products! Included in the complete collection is one ap room, one ga room and a total of over 20 coordinating pieces. All pieces feature unique animations that I added to the original meshes. Bathe yourself in rich gold luxury! So much to choose from provides for complete customization of your space.
Please be aware that this is only the GA PRODUCTS from the line. However, you can still create a fun and fully functional room with the pieces here! This is what you get:
GA Mansion Room
Posing Rug with Furniture
Glass Coffin
22 Pose Sexy Kitchen
Magic Floating Candles
Potted Rose Plant
Bathroom Sink
Bathroom Toilet
Couples Bathtub
Bedroom Vanity
Animated Dance Floor
If you are AP, check out the AP Bundle to own the entire set.
*Note* I reduced the file size of the images below to aid in timely loading for this page. The pictures are much more pixelated than the actual product.
To view coordinating items, click my banner below. Once redirected to my catalogue, type SENSUAL into the search.
Lady Amadeua Couture THE Vampire Developer