Tada!!! My newest creation... "Bright Orange Cat Eyes Version 1"! As you may have already quickly noticed, unlike real cat eyes, these do not span the full length of the eyeball - have no fear though, that will be on the way soon enough if the mood strikes me. These are meant for fun and to show off your cat like creative side! You'll also notice that the pupils are not dialated - so this means best use for daytime wear. :P As if IMVU had a 'daytime' anyway. *lol* This is just one in a line up of many different colors for these eyes - so be sure to check out them all! ^_^

Notes about male heads: I do not like the default/original head for males. I think it's not flattering to your male avi at all. This is only my opinion - so please don't take offense to it. However, you will see here that the eyes I make I display on heads other then the default head for this very reason: They look better on them instead.

I hope that everyone else will love these eyes as much as I do!

Proportional Guy Head (byFGkitty)

Head 4