Picture yourself in an exotic temple, far from the hustle and bustle of our busy world. Imagine yourself as royalty, or perhaps as an ancient god or goddess. Maybe you're in Shangrila, or master of a large harem of beautiful women. Perhaps you're a royal queen with a court worthy of envy. Whatever fantasy is, this scene is perfect for you. It features a marble pool of calm blue water, perfect for a refreshing swim with your friends or a soak with someone special. The back wall is made of medieval bricks with mullioned windows and hand carved stone reminiscent of days gone by. An ancient entryway is centered with climbing roses and ivy flanking the sides. Recline on the settee while you oversee your kingdom, or while your subjects worship you. If you're looking for an exotic location for numerous occasions and dress up scenes, this all purpose scene is a great choice. Very versatile, it's the best choice for those of us who can't afford dozens of scenes to go with our characters. It's romantic without being overtly so, which makes it perfect for a party or an intimate gathering between lovers. A great conversation piece, it will never leave you bored! So come to Paradise!

Paradise Temple