E x c l u s i v e

Devoted to him
Sticker @ Badge

d e v o t i o n

b : the fact or state of being ardently
dedicated and loyal

Refer to catalog icon for badge and sticker preview
Sticker and badge have no background.
Purchase the following sticker.
After purchased, leave a review and then your badge
will be granted within 24 hours or less.
*Do not use promo credits please.
*No Badge trades please.


Please do not forget to leave a product review on this page.
If you don't know how it's easy!
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click
the "write review" button, after you write a review simply click the circle
closest to the number 5, when finished click continue, then your done!
Remember after you review this product then your badges will be granted.

This product is rated GA and meets all GA requirements.
Badge size 40x20
Badge made by DOLLB4BY

This is not a pre-sale item.
Once sticker is purchased and reviewed the badge above is sent within 24 hours.

Browse related items. Click on the above icons.