Tempest Demon

Demon Series - Tempest Demon - Bundle
The latest addition to my Demon Series. The Tempest Demon is a sexy but ferocious beast that feeds on Vengeance and Strife. Her angelic appearance fools many into believing her innocence and beauty could not possibly be dangerous!! Bathed in pale whites and blues she soars through the air causing a whirlwind! Her tattered clothing barely stays on her! But don't let her beauty fool you!

You are purchasing the entire bundle which includes 13 items: Dress, skin, horns, wings, tail, ears, nails, leg wraps, arm wraps, cape, staff, hair1 and hair2. Please try each item before you buy! Thanks! Please try before you buy! Thanks!

Please check out all of the creations that go with this outfit!

Or Just Get The Bundle!!

Don't Forget to take a look at all the Oufits in my Demon Series!

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