Satens0sister Products

The Selene Collection, inspired by the Character Selene of the Underworld films. The Collection includes Hair, Eyes, Eyebrows, Bodysuit, Boots and Guns, along with matching Nails from my own catalog and a custom skin created by Cindyy especially for this bundle. The highest care and consideration has been taken when making these products to make them of excellent quality.

Includes 10 Actions. DRAW - Draw the guns from the holsters - - REHOL - Reholster the guns - - AIM - Aim the guns forwards - - BS - Shoot forwards - - LS - Shoot to the left - - RS - Shoot to the right - - BSS - Barrage fire forwards - - LSS - Barrage fire to the left - - RSS - Barrage fire to the right - - H1 - Classic "Hitman" pose - Works with only FEMALE avatars, and will only fit on default thighs.



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 photo images_09db5e67710d21667e4aa5bc28f6e23b.png  photo Hair-1.png  photo Eyes-1.png  photo Brows-1.png  photo Bodysuit-1.gif  photo Boots-1.gif  photo Guns-1.png  photo Nails.png

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