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Well the name says it all really, a Pink Palace fit for a Princess, before you read on and I further describe this I must just say that I have added a number of opacity to this product so you can actually see into the palace from the outside and the turrets have arches again that you can see through. Anyway onto the real description, has a pool with swimming spots, lots and lots of standing spots all over the place some with actions and there are so many furniture spots you can add whatever you wish. The Palace is standing on top of a mountain above the clouds which are scrolling by, there is a lovley orange sun set sky with the sky also slowly scrolling by so the sun will actually rotate around the room.
34 poses
9 animations
90 standing spots
500 furniture spots

Add this product to your wish list - CLICK HERE Photobucket
A friend of mine has made some furniture to go with this Palace, please click the furniture thumbnails below to go and see these and more of her products.
clbc princess desk clbc princess fl. pouffe clbc princess fl.sofa Square End Table Chair Bed Sofa - Settee 2 Seat Chair Lamp clbc princess fl.diningt

Some examples of my other products.