
Extended New Products Panel generated @ gaf210.imvustylez.net
DMCA.com avascript: (function generateHTMLCode() { /*Get the product page url*/ var strURL = document.URL; if(strURL != “” && strURL.indexOf(“http://tr.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=”) != -1) { /*Get the product icon url*/ var strIMGURL = document.getElementById(“product-image”).src; /*Generate the BBCode and alert it to the user for copying*/ window.prompt (“HTML Code:”,””); } })();javascript: (function generateBBCode() { /*Get the product page url*/ var strURL = document.URL; if(strURL != “” && strURL.indexOf(“http://tr.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=”) != -1) { /*Get the product icon url*/ var strIMGURL = document.getElementById(“product-image”).src; /*Generate the BBCode and alert it to the user for copying*/ window.prompt (“BBCode:”,”[url=” + strURL + “][img]” + strIMGURL +”[/img][/url]”); } })();