Tholians are a starfaring and extremely territorial race in the Star Trek fictional universe. The Tholian home nation is the Tholian Assembly, which inhabits an area of space in the Alpha Quadrant, in close proximity to the Cardassian Union and the Badlands. The Tholian Assembly is located rimward of the Cardassian Union and the Breen Confederacy, and the homeworld of Tholia is a Class Y planet.

Non-humanoid in form, Tholians have crystalline bodies, two arms, and six legs. They dwell in an environment of extreme by human standards, their comfortable living environment being 480 kelvins (207 °C). Temperatures below 380 K (107 °C) will kill Tholians, causing them to shatter into tiny crystalline shards. Each Tholian has both male and female sexual organs. Natural Tholian speech is a series of shrill squeals and clicks, similar to the sounds of a dolphin. Their speech is difficult to parse through the universal translator. Tholians have little tolerance for deception, and are insistent on punctuality. Tholian silk is highly prized and difficult to obtain. It is an urban legend that Tholian silk is actually made from Tholians, not by them, although there is no actual evidence in the Star Trek canon.

Triggers: assembly, blink, claim, correct, loskene, deceit, evidence, force, instruments, interstellar, leave, tholian, wait, wave, well

*** Wear with the Tholian Head...