The Eyeball Guardian

Need someone to keep an EYE on your room? How about somebody to WATCH YOUR BACK? Try the Eyeball Guardian. It'll keep an EYE on anything you like, assuming you type in the magic word first. Commands are "OpenEye" for a quick look, and "StayOpenEye" for longer periods of observation.

Don't like the gold trim? Maybe you want a new eye color or some sound effects? Try Deriving it. Edit this item, customize it to your hearts content. You can even put your version up in the catalog for slightly higher price then mine and keep the difference for yourself. Pretty sweet deal, eh? To learn more about Deriving, visit IMVU's Creators Center. You'll need a developer's account and a copy of Previewer, which you can get there was well. Here's the templates you'll need to make the Eyeball Guardian your own personal masterpiece:

This is the Color image for the Golden Body that houses the Eyeball. Download this is you only want to make small changes to the texture map:

This is the Wireframe layout of the Golden Body. Download this if you want to make an entirely new texture map from scratch. This will show you exactly where every pixel goes on the model:

This is the Color image for the Eyeball. I don't have a Wireframe map, but it's pretty simple. The center goes on the front, and the edges wrap around the back. Use the Isis to center your version:

This is the Color image for the shine Surface of the Eyeball. You can also use this as the opacity. You aren't likely going to need to change this, since it always needs to be glass like and clear to see the eyeball underneath. But just in case you need it, here it is: