The Blade of Horus is a weapon created by Horus using his powers and not technology the weapon draws from the Power from the Gods to protect the innocent it is also a Anti-oboron weapon it counts all oboron items making them useless and just a normal gear if the sword touches a being it stunts the enemy knocking them unconscious for 2 turns. The Blade of Horus can not be used as a weapon to kill a being no matter what the race it only hinders oboron weapons and items into regular gear and stuns the Foe it can cut a regular weapon in half or disable it but if the blade is to touch a being it does nothing but stun's them. Commands are: - DRAWD - REHOD - Draw/reholster the sword - - D1 - D4 - Free poses - - D2 - D3 - Attack actions - Works for both MALE and FEMALE avatars  photo BladeofHorus1_zps92ab1257.jpg  photo BladeofHorus2_zpsa035b097.jpg