Human furniture

This item is a unique piece and part of Dieezah's new NPC range of dolls...
Based on a doll made by Ellohym. On top of the amazing dancing features inherited from the original doll, this version comes with hair extensions (meshed by XMay and me), unique earrings , a new skirt and top frilled sleeves (meshed by Gejwa) and a new face (meshed by 3DFILES formerly known as ClubLights) which is facial expression enabled (she now smiles randomly)... All for your enjoyment of course.... ( All textures are my own work....)

Amaze your friends with the doll they have not seen yet ...

Try before you buy !

Voici un nouveau genre de personnages décoratifs que vous presente Dieezah !
Simple mais inoubliable, la tete a de nouvelles dimensions par rapport a son ancetre, elle porte une nouvelle jupe et maintenant elle vous sourie.. Des extensions de cheveux ont été rajoutées (mesh par moi) afin de rendre sa coiffure originale et unique...
La peau et les autres textures sont l'oeuvre de Dieezah.

Essayez avant achat...
before you buy/

Ce produit a ete cree grace a la collaboration de plusieurs createurs dont Dieezah, Gejwa, LadyMorphine, XMay... This product exists only because of the joint forces of Dieezah, Gejwa, LM, XMay...
