I Looked around one day and thought to myself...I thought...Self >> "Why is Stewie and some generic Dudes and Dudettes going around whipping butts and taking names for people whom haven't yet acquired (or afforded) VIP protection abilities. Did they forget that the refined LADIES need protection too? O.o Myself said nothing -.- <--- Myself is a little slow... So I said self? Myself said WHAT!!!? I said we can make a self defence for females yayy! Myself said, You spell defence...d e f e n s e O.o...I said to myself I'm always not sure which is which and this isn't the time or place for correcting me anyway, though you may be wrong > : / That's when Myself agreed that it was a fabulous idea and I am hoping you think so too...TRY-B4-U-BUY & ENJOY! PS. the triggers are my favorite...avatar ones so just click on yourself no need of me to write them here