Black goatee with a few shiny specs.

Actually it's a Van but is often incorrectly called a goatee. A goatee is just the beard on the chin or lower lip. A Van also includes the mustache. So, in addition to a bit of facial hair, you also got a bit of trivia!

This product does not use blending so you should still be able to see it through glass, dance floor lights and other peoples hair etc. that do use blending. I made this for myself because most of the other ones I tried disappeared sometimes and I appeared to be clean shaven.

This is not a skin tone. It goes on something like a mask which means that it DOES work with any skin you already have, but it DOES NOT move with your skin when your lips move such as when you smile. You will want to use it with an avatar that does not smile or it will not look right. My product, the Masculine Male Avatar with NoSmile can be found here. I have tested it with only a few heads so I have no way of knowing if it works well with all of them, so please, Try It first. That said, No Refunds. But with the right avi and head combo it does look pretty good.

I've been wearing it for years and still like it. After all this time I've also noticed that the hairs don't turn grey, it stays neat & clean and it never needs trimming.

Impress the ladies and enjoy your new & improved good looks with this attractive van !