Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

Animated Transforming Desk/hidden laboratory

showlab will reveal the desks secrets, hidelab will hide them again

Product type



Well, see above :D showlab will open the desk up hidelab will close it again

Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

NOTE: Because the 'lab' part of the desk is hidden its a good idea to 'force' the hidden section on show while deriving. To do so;

go to the Actions tab in previewer

In the Trigger field remove the word showlab and replace with stance.Idle (make sure the i is capital)

Then hit Apply and you should be able to work with everything visible

Remember to reverse this when you finish or the animation will just happen automatically all the time

Vertex shading: I have added some some shadows to the tops of walls and ceiling using vertex shading. You can switch this on and off as you like on any material just check the box in previewer as explained here. This adds more flexibility to the range. Below is an example of vertex shading on and off. It is off by default in previewer..

Material Description
M00 Draws
M01 Wood
M02 Chair wood
M03 Dowel
M04 Panels
M05 Seat
M06 Metalwork
M07 Wheels
M08 Crystal ball
M09 Misc
M10 Bottles
M11 Screen
M12 Light rays
M13 keyboard
M14 openbook
M15 book 1
M16 book 2
template for the books above
M17 Lampshade

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