Pet Monkeys!

Mischevious, active, smart the monkey is not your common pet. Here are three monkeys that will be faithful conpanions indeed. Each of these simian accomplaces can perform a variety of tricks. Commands are: OMG (reminds me of a scene from the exorcist), YES, NO, SEE, HEAR, SPEAK, JUMP, BREAKDANCE and STAND. This little companion is constantly active with a wide range of idle animations.

Corvus (or Corvix) is Latin for raven, an appropriate name for a Goth themed pet. With Egyptian Eye of Horus" markings on his face and a skull on his chest this little black and white chimp is Goth thru and thru. The tribal emblems on his back complete the look.

Xuan Zang of the Chinese Tang Dynasty (602-664) is actually a historical figure. a decade of trials and tribulations, he arrived on foot to what is today India, the birthplace of Buddhism. He was there for the true Buddhist holy books. When he returned, Xuan Zang translated the Sutras into Chinese, thus making a great contribution to the development of Buddhism in China. He is the origin of the story of the Monkey King, widely believed to be the first superhero. To this day the story delights generations and embodys the legend of the trickster like Coyote in Native American myth or Rabbit in African myth. I thought it was a great name for a simian pet.

Homunk is more in keeping with my Steampunk interests. A homonculous is a magical creature created by a wizard with unusual abilities. Homunk is a clockwork creature created by an eccentric inventor and named after that legendary creature. Who says the eccentric don't have a sense of humor?

The Monkeys by LordDarcy
Three Pet Monkeys by LordDarcy

The monkeys may be found at these locations:

Xuan Zang

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