The Tentacles v2
(For Male and Female Avies)

Feeling short handed? Need an extra hand? How about 4? Go all Doc-Oct on your foes with the Tentacles. These 4 Barbed, Robotic Limbs attach to your back and do all kinds of neat stuff, like your homework, opening bottles, dismembering your enemies, and opening doors. Well, maybe they don't, but they sure do look cool! And check out these Commands: "FireRight", "FireLeft", "Fire", "Protect", "Slasher", "Discoblaster", "Hello", and the funkiest of all "Dance".

This new version also includes "Retractor" and "Extendor" animations for retracting and extending the Tentacles as needed.

Despite the video, this item fits Male and Female avies perfectly. It can be found under "Pets".

Don't like the Metal look? Want more Barbs? Less Bards? A new Girlfriend? Can't help you with the Girlfriend, but you can Derive the Tentacles and change them in any way you want. Even better, you can sell your creations, for a bit more then what I charge, and keep the profit for yourself. How's that for a deal?

Here's the Templates you'll need to get started:

This is the Color Map for the Tentacle Body that I used to make the version you see here. Use this to make simple changes:

This is the Wireframe that shows you how the image fits onto the model itself. Use this to make completely new skins for the Tentacles:

This is the Color Map for the Spines. The center spine is repeated all down the Tentacle shaft, where as the first and third spines appear only at either end:

This is the Opacity Map for the Spines. Anything White is solid, anything Black is invisible:

This is the Wireframe for the Spines, in case you want to know exactly how the spines are mapped. Keep in mind, the center area is repeated many times:
