Badb is one of three fursets in the Morrígna Collection.
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In Irish mythology, the Badb (/bađβ/ "crow" in Old Irish; modern Irish Badhbh /bəiv/ means "vulture") was a goddess of war who took the form of a crow, and was thus sometimes known as Badb Catha (battle crow). She often caused confusion among soldiers to move the tide of battle to her favored side. Boa Island is named for this goddess.

Battlefields were called the land of the Badb, and were often said to include the Badb taking part as a crow or as a wolf. The Badb is associated with the beansidhe, and is said to have been crucial in the battle against the Fomorians.

Wing Triggers: flap, extend, fold, cloak, uncloak and flying. NOTE: The wings won't make you fly, you need to purchase a flying action separately.