BEAUTIFUL, one of theee BEST rooms, that is big enough for an office and an archway conference space. Has two built in fish tanks, and two balcony's with a sunset ocean view. There are portraits of the two owners of Live Flowers Xailina and Heineko. Even has two little gold seahorses framing the tanks. Modern orange lights with black cut outs are on the walls with the initials LFG. This even has a raised plateform with stained glass rose on marble floors. The double heron doors are stained glass as well with a custom frame that I made myself from scratch. The floor is a beautiful marble, and the banister copies the archway's theme with matching railing guards. This is worth at least 8,000 but I'm giving it to you at 2,050, and is the Office of the Live Flower Girls. Sales are final. Thanks to Xailina for the inspiration and funding for this masterpiece. This is for you! : D PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
