
Ahhh this is the life. The gypsy way has held a romantic allure rivalled by few. Now, in the Land of Whyst, you too can live the life of the gypsy: carefree and peaceful yet wild as the wind and wise in the earth's ways.

Attention: This item is a furniture piece and needs to be used with an open space furniture room like the "Land of Whyst" found here.

This nomadic palace is a vibrant leafy green with black cherry red upholstery inside and warm wood trimmings. It sports a cosy potbelly stove, two comfortable couches, plenty of storage space, lots of windows, and a raised bed. Last count, this gem supports 17 seats! You can sit and lay in all of the poses you have come to appreciate in Whystler's work: The tummylay, the crosslegged seat, and the reclinamation side pose. Add to this IMVU's collection of standing, sitting and perched animations and you have plenty of places to take your family photos.

This clever bundle is made up of two furniture items: A main-inside item, and an outside-shell item. This allows you to park your caravan anywhere in Whyst, and when you want to play inside, simply remove the outer-shell item. Always remember, when placing the Gypsy Caravan, to place the main-inside item first, and the outside-shell item second. This makes removal of the outside-shell item to your inventory easiest.

YES! In Whyst you can be a Lord or Lady *and* a have Gypsy Soul. Where else are you going to live in your garden?

So, what are you waiting for? Start building Whyst! It's all yours.