Maravillosa Casa de tres plantas en la playa y en la falta de una montaņa. Tiene varias piscinas con acciones animadas de nadar y poses sexys abrazos. Mobiliario con poses sexys. El la playa tiene varias acciones animadas de baile. Tiene una pista de volleyball con acciones animadas de jugar. Podras pasear encima de una tortuga marina y nadar al lomo de un delfin. Mobiliario incluido.
 Wonderful House of three floors in the beach and in the valley of a mountain. It has several pools with actions to swim and animated sexys poses for hugs. Furniture with sexys poses. In the beach has several actions animated dance. It has a track of volleyball with actions animated to play. You can walk over a sea turtle and swim to loin of an dauphin. Furniture included.
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