Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

Lightbox / Fishtank Dance stage

3 dances spots, 3 different dance styles and texture animated light effects or fishes... excited yet :D

Product type



3 dance spots with a different dance on each

Animation 4 texutures animated in the 'tank'

Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo
Material Description
M00 Base and top
M01 Frame
M02 Glass (requires opacity with blending)
M03 Effects layer 1 (requires opacity, blending: off)
M04 Effects layer 2 (requires opacity, blending: off)
M05 Effects layer 3 (requires opacity, blending: off)
M06 Effects layer 4 (requires opacity, blending: off)
M07 Columns
By leaving blending off on Material M03,4,5,6 you can add items such as lights, fish, stars, whatever but it won't be lost behind M)2 with blending on

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