Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

Room with hidden cellar

Hidden room and hidden cellar with animated panels and fireplace. Lots of nodes, walls, floors and ceilings

Product type

Room. lots of ceiling, wall and floor nodes in both rooms


The fireplace rotates to show a stairway
Trigger word: mycellar

The Panels slide aside to show another hidden room
Trigger word: mylab

Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

A lot of textures but in a simple texture structure for easy deriving and quick downloading.

Material Description
M00 Roof
M01 Eves
M02 Rafters
M03 Paneling
M04 Corners
M05 Lower panels
M06 End panels
M07 Main floor
M08 Runners
M09 Stage
M10 Brickwork
M11 Wood 1
M12 Wood 2
M13 Panel faces (this splits into 3 equal parts
M14 Chimney
M15 Fire grate
M16 Flame
M17 Logs
M18 Embers
M19 Basement roof
M20 Basement wall

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