Twin sister (human pet)

This item is a unique piece and is part of Dieezah's collection of human pets...
Tonya here is the perfect twin for you... She is wearing a unique dress, earrings, and shoes (meshed by LadyMorphine) with gentle textures (all textures by Dieezah, opacity inspired by a freebie file).
Change your eyes, your skin tone or eyebrows and watch her do the same...
Amaze your friends with the awkward silent twin that follows you around everywhere ...
Try before you buy !

Ceci est une parfaite jumelle par Dieezah !
Elle vous ressemble presque comme une goutte d'eau, stupefiant, non ?
Si vous changez de peau, d'yeux, de sourcils, vous la verrez subir les meme transformations que vous.... Elle est animée.

Essayez avant achat...
before you buy/ Essayez avant d'acheter !

Ce produit a ete cree grace a la collaboration de plusieurs createurs dont Dieezah, LadyMorphine, ... This product exists only because of the joint forces of Dieezah and LadyMorphine, ...
