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Pentacle - Represents the earth element and is used as a protective talisman and as a holder for things to be ritually consecrated

Censer - Represents the air element and is used  to hold smoldering incense during a ritual or ceremony

Large Candle - Initiates action

Two Smaller Candles - Represents yin & yang, light & dark, male & female, god & goddess; opposites (for balance)

Candle Color Meanings - White is for truth & purity; Purple is for power & ambition; Green is for money, luck, an fertility

Purple Quill Feather - Used for writing spells

Book of Spells - Commonly known as a Book of Shadows and is used during rituals and ceremonies

Bell - Used to drive away evil spirits and bring harmony to a magic circle

Athame - A magical ceremonial knife used for the directing of energy and manipulation of power

Cakes - Blessed during a ceremony and passed out to all in attendance, sharing thanks for the fruitfulness of the gods & goddesses  

Triquetra - Represents spiritual unity: the unity of mind, body, and soul, as well as past, present, and future (the circle is added for protection; it can't be broken)

Moon & Star - A tribute to the Mother Goddess

White Pentacle Goddess - A tribute to the Trio Goddess (Maid, Mother, and Crone) and represents the perfect human; a perfect combination of earth, wind, air, and fire