Elegant Hat, Tight fitting Derby hat that fits well on your head. This is the Hat only, choose from 12 different variations.

There are 5 Different styles of Elegant Hat hair 26 Choices in my cataloge created to wear with this Hat.

Multiple Colour choices.

The Hair choices available separately in my catalogue have been made to be worn with or without Your Elegant Hat.

Allowing you to remove your hat, but keep your hair.

My short crops at the beginning of my catalogue also fit with the elegant Hat.

Please try the hat with your hair before purchase to make sure you are happy with it.

Most Hair styles do not fit with this hat which is why I have made a selection available in my catalogue to complement it.

The Elegant hair styles and colours guarantee not to leave you with Hat hair, if you wish to take your hat off.

Also giving you the choice to wear your favourite colour with or without your hat.