You will thoroughly enjoy this lovely and enticing beach bar. It has 100 sit points, 4000 furniture points, 300 pose spots and 6 animations. This is a great place to relax with friends or have a huge party. I am sure this is a scene that will please any beach party lover!

Be advised that there are some things in the slideshow pics that ARE NOT part of the room ... meaning that they ARE NOT INCLUDED in room, such as: the 4-wheeler, the bbq pits, the beach balls, the water trampoline & the volleyball. These things would have to be purchased separately. All else IS INCLUDED in room.

I'd like to say a special thanks to the following people for modeling for helping me do these pics and bringing the scene to life in them. These people are: IndianOutlaw69, DCMickeyMouse, Mj, mtshyfox, Duncan43, bobstola, lucky7ky and Ambraisia Surreal. You guys are awesome! Thank you again!