**This product is made for derivation,**

Developers, this bodysuit makes bodysuits and bikinis that don't have that annoying seam at the waist, and it gives the extra long legs!

This bodysuit is a bodysuit of just the torso - legs are not included, the legginess is achieved by altering the body. The torso is all one mesh to give a smooth smexy line to your products. The body has been reshaped and has an enhanced boobage; shapely waist and hips; a straighter, more natural looking back; reshaped buttocks and arms/shoulders. There is also a leggy seamless bodysuit with legs available.

The template for this product can be downloaded here.

The skin in the image below is by Smexy and the hair by Soosweet. The image in the blue bikini is my the standard seamless body for comparison.